Day one of our two-week-wait...

If you follow us on YouTube, you know that we had our IUI yesterday.  We had two mature follicles: 22mm and 18mm.  Our specimen had roughly 65 million sperm, which was THE BEST we have ever had.  So, here we are in our 2WW.  What do we do to stay sane??

Day one:  Jenna got up to go to work this morning.  She felt a little icky from the IUI yesterday because her cervix wasn't exactly centered, so they had to adjust it.  I started a scrapbook page that displays all of our OPK's (we took eight of them) and a copy of our trigger shot prescription.  Jenna started taking pregnancy tests today so that we can hopefully watch the trigger shot HCG level drop from her system as the lines fade.  That way if we get a positive reading towards the end of our 2WW (if we cheat) we will at least know without a doubt that it wasn't a result of any lingering trigger shot HCG hormones. 

That's all for  now!  I don't have class today, but I have a very very busy ahead of me.  I am going to clean our house and look through the paper for some coupons and sales and do some grocery shopping.  I am going to do my best to pamper my sweetheart... after all, she may be carrying our twins!!! 


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